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about  morexis

Hey cutie! My name is Morexis and I have been creating JOI visual novels (i.e. image and text based masturbation games) since 2019. My games have not only been played over 1.5 million times but also received numerous awards and positive reviews. They feature fictional characters from popular culture and most of them also include a story and intricate gameplay, making the whole experience immersive and exciting! ✨

Originally created solely as forum for the fans of my games, our Discord server has grown into an active community with lovely people and fun events! Discord has also become my main communication channel for updates about myself and my content. Therefore don't be confused by a decrease in posts on Patreon, I mostly only use it for major new releases and supporter benefits now. So make sure to join our awesome Discord community if you don't want to miss anything! Thank you and have fun exploring my content! 🥰

 in your own words 

Your work is definitely setting new standards in this genre, I particularly enjoy whenever there’s any choice to make, or the instructor asks the viewers input, even though I can appreciate how branching paths increase work load exponentially.


This. Is. Awesome.


I can't believe you've done another one so quickly after the Maze tease; considering how long these take to make, you have one hell of a work ethic. I can still remember visiting your Discord server a few months ago (perhaps more) - the only time I've ever really done something like that, because your work is on another level.


I'm into a lot of stuff by my favorite creator is Morexis!


Oh shit I just realized you're the same person who did the lewd labyrinth. Super great stuff I need to support you on patreon


I love the effort and unique storytelling put into the the teases. They allow for a variety of kinks and seem like they have been crafted for days. I especially love the uncertainty in many teases where you don't know what the end result will be as there are many endings to all of them. Awesome job with this tease as well.


Love this stuff - Keep up to good work! :D


That was surprisingly well made. It was much better than I had expected, I'm astonished at how well you made it so satisfying. This was better than most JOI's on other websites, atleast in my opinion. I'm saving this :D


Played for the first time and what can I say..... It was reeeeealy fun, if you know what I mean...


Honestly, I am impressed at the level of quality. It's not really for me but this is deffinetly well made, good stuff!


A great game to play with friends!

This was the most fun I've ever had with a joip 🥴 and the reward was well worth. :)



This is one of the most amazing teases I've ever seen. Seriously considering contributing to your Patreon. I've tried this one 3 times and still haven't successfully returned a key yet.

I've never seen this sort of thing before and it was amazing, great way to change thing up from just regular masturbation.



You are a literal saint

Hhhooollllyyyyy sshhhiittttt
This is ridicoulously impressive.



Ay yo, this is amazing, literally amazing, best thing ive seen in years. if i could give a rating, it would be a billion out of 10

Holy diver! You created exactly what I didn't know I needed, very well done!
Never used Pateron before, but now I have a great reason to sign up. Thanks!



I tip my hat to all the moderators while i might not know of all the struggles that may have been in the past, i would say that it was worth it. i would struggle to find such a kind, wholesome and caring community if i tried. big hugs all around.

Thank you, for how much you do and the time and effort that goes into every little bit of this server, and everything surrounding it, your amazing games, the connected communities and the support for others getting into this stuff too. You really do deserve the best and more



Thank you to everyone who plays and enjoys my games!
Your nice words and support mean the world to me. 🥰

Created by Morexis with love ❤️


©2024 by Morexis

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